Igor Kvasov

Igor Kvasov

Active Business, motivation, art, nft, forex,relationships,investments, cryptocurrency

if you think at the level of a small businessman, do not expect that you will ever catch up with Jeff Bezos. But I think you wouldn't be reading this text if you didn't have such a goal. Therefore, THINKING should be your main focus.

Each person combines 4 different elements: fire, earth, water and air. For full-fledged success, a person needs to have well-developed three of them.

99% of people are waiting for the leader to go forward into the unknown. And then he will call them to follow him. They don't have the courage to go first! By and large, subordinates use the leader.

If you try to help everyone, you won't help anyone

Earning is much EASIER than keeping. When you start earning more, you raise your standard of living. You realize that you can afford more.

I realized that it is necessary to strive for the golden mean: to demand, but to do it respectfully. And it's not easy. You need to train two things at the same time, two energies — like Yin and Yang

In business, as in sports, there is no victory without tension. You need to demand from others, from yourself, to strain. And almost all managers either do not demand enough, or do it rudely.

Every coach should have his own system. His own secret of success, which helps him achieve great results.

Business is not one team. This is a league where everyone plays very cool, but each coach has his own style.

I study 7 days a week, 17 hours a day. And I am deeply convinced that ANY entrepreneur should spend more time a day studying than working. Because learning changes your thinking. And thinking influences actions.